gradient button border with

Probabilistic principal component analysis-based anomaly detection for structures with missing data(概率主成分分析PPCA)

SHM can provide a large amount of data that can reveal the variation in the structure condition什么是压缩传感,数据重构,研究背景与意义,怎么用 基于模型的方法不可避免的缺点是模型的不确定性,因为很难创建能 ......

[ARC168E] Subsegments with Large Sums

有点意思的简单题。 答案有可二分性。合并两段,显然仍然合法。 考虑如何 check。因为答案可以被二分,我们尝试求恰好 \(x\) 段就行了。 恰好,这是 wqs 二分的内容。如何设计一个与 \(x\) 有关的凸函数呢? 这个函数大概是 \(\sum_{i=1}^x w(l_i, r_i)\) 的形 ......
Subsegments Large 168E with Sums


abstruct 描述了一个变分自编码器的端到端图像压缩模型。这个模型结合了超先验来捕获潜在表示的空间依赖性,这种超先验涉及到了边信息。并且改模型与底层的自编码器结合联合训练一个复杂的先验。 introduction 熵编码依赖于编码器和解码器都知道的量化表示的先验概率模型(熵模型)。这种压缩潜在表 ......

Graph Neural Networks with Diverse Spectral Filtering

目录概符号说明DSF代码 Guo J., Huang K, Yi X. and Zhang R. Graph neural networks with diverse spectral filtering. WWW, 2023. 概 为每个结点赋予不同的多项式系数. 符号说明 \(\mathcal{ ......
Filtering Networks Spectral Diverse Neural


Java 7 中引入的对资源 try-with-resources ,声明在 try 块中使用的资源,并保证资源将在该块执行后关闭。声明的资源需要实现自动关闭接口。 1.使用资源try 典型的try-catch-finally块: Scanner scanner = null; try { scan ......
try-with-resources resources Java with try

[AWS] Create a serverless API with Ampt and TypeScript

Ampt lets developers rapidly build, deploy, and scale JavaScript/TypeScript apps in the cloud without complicated configs or managing infrastructure. ......
serverless TypeScript Create Ampt with

模板渲染成标签还是原封不动的字符串 标签(for,for ... empty,if,with,csrf_token)

模板渲染成标签还是原封不动的字符串: # xss攻击:是什么,如何预防?django已经处理了xss攻击,它的处理原理是什么 from django.utils.safestring import mark_safelink1 = '<a href="">点 ......
标签 原封不动 字符串 csrf_token for

【论文阅读笔记】【OCR-End2End】 ESTextSpotter: Towards Better Scene Text Spotting with Explicit Synergy in Transformer

ESTextSpotter ICCV 2023 读论文思考的问题 论文试图解决什么问题? 场景文本端到端识别任务中,检测和识别两个任务的协同作用十分关键,然而以往的方法通常用一些十分隐式的方式来体现这种协同作用(shared backbone, shared encoder, shared quer ......

Convolutional Neural Networks on Graphs with Chebyshev Approximation, Revisited

目录概符号说明MotivationChebNetII代码 He M., Wei Z. and Wen J. Convolutional neural networks on graphs with chebyshev approximation, revisited. NIPS, 2022. 概 作 ......

[948] Extract PDF tables that have cells with multiple lines

If your PDF tables have cells with multiple lines, and you want to merge those lines within the same cell when extracting the table, you might need a ......
multiple Extract tables cells lines

Applying sewage charging system to deal with water pollution problem in Russia.

What is the sewage charging system? Although manufacturing has always been a key driving force for China's economic growth, it is also the root cause  ......
pollution Applying charging problem sewage

Running DPDK Forwarding Applications With Pktgen-DPDK

As part of the evaluation stage of our bachelor thesis, we set up a testbed for running forwarding applications in DPDK and with Pktgen-DPDK as the tr ......

Solving 0/1 knapsack problem with dynamic programming (英语课汇报)

Solving 0/1 knapsack problem with dynamic programming Introduction 0/1 knapsack problems A long time ago, an explorer went to an island where there we ......

【略读论文|时序知识图谱补全】Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning with Historical Contrastive Learning

会议:AAAI,时间:2023,学校:上海交通大学 摘要: 大多数时序知识图谱的推理方法高度依赖于事件的递归或周期性,这给推断与缺乏历史交互的实体相关的未来事件带来了挑战。本文提出一种新的基于历史对比学习训练框架的对比事件网络(CENET)的新事件预测模型。 1.CENET 学习历史和非历史依赖来区 ......

神经网络入门篇:神经网络的梯度下降(Gradient descent for neural networks)

神经网络的梯度下降 在这篇博客中,讲的是实现反向传播或者说梯度下降算法的方程组 单隐层神经网络会有\(W^{[1]}\),\(b^{[1]}\),\(W^{[2]}\),\(b^{[2]}\)这些参数,还有个\(n_x\)表示输入特征的个数,\(n^{[1]}\)表示隐藏单元个数,\(n^{[2]} ......
神经网络 神经 梯度 网络 Gradient

《Fine-Grained Image Analysis with Deep Learning: A Survey》阅读笔记

论文标题 《Fine-Grained Image Analysis with Deep Learning: A Survey》 作者 魏秀参,南京理工大学 初读 摘要 与上篇综述相同: 细粒度图像分析(FGIA)的任务是分析从属类别的视觉对象。 细粒度性质引起的类间小变化和类内大变化使其成为一个具有 ......

[Javascript] Using Generator to create a number generate with condition

const generateTimeMs = (min, max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min /** * A generator which can generate numbers based on settings ......

SQL server的with的用法

with主要用法之一就是简化联合子查询的sql代码,先将要用的子查询定义成一个表,后面可以重复使用。 在多级和较为复杂的查询中可以让SQL更清晰。 简单样式1 WITH subQry_A AS (SELECT fld1, fld2, fldxxx..... FROM tabName) SELECT ......
server with SQL

Shell - Run a script with environment variables

zzh@ZZHPC:/zdata/Github/microservices/order/cmd$ DATA_SOURCE_URL="root:verysecretpass@tcp(" \ > APPLICATION_PORT=3000 \ > ENV=dev ......
environment variables script Shell with

Docker - Run MySQL database with docker

zzh@ZZHPC:~$ docker run -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=verysecretpass -e MYSQL_DATABASE=order mysql In this case, our data source URL isroot:very ......
database Docker docker MySQL with

无GPU环境中运行出错解决方法:AssertionError: Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled

在執行pytorch代碼的時候,突然看到報錯 AssertionError: Torch not compiled with CUDA enabled 這說明了 1. 你pytoch确实安装了 2. 你安装的是cpu版本 作为验证,你可以在python编辑器输入下列代码 如果要在无GPU环境中运行, ......

禁用button按钮 阻止点击事件

当点击按钮的时候,判断元素是否disabled,根据判断结果执行后面的代码 $('.export_stu').click(function (e) { if($(this).attr('disabled')!='disabled'){ $(this).attr('disabled',true); } ......
按钮 事件 button

gin-vue-admin 接口错误Error: Request failed with status code 500

本地运行以后登录出现: 控制台检查发现是请求getMenu出现500错误,并且后端出现"Error 1071 (42000): Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes"错误,那就是数据库casbin_rule的表引擎不是Inn ......
gin-vue-admin 接口 错误 Request failed

How to use SUM and DINSTINCT with GreenDao?

How to use SUM and DINSTINCT with GreenDao querybuilder? Ask Question Asked 7 years ago Modified 6 years, 7 months ago Viewed 1k times Part of Mobile ......
DINSTINCT GreenDao with How SUM

docker使用--gpus all报错: docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver "" with capabilities: [[gpu]].

报错信息: docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver "" with capabilities: [[gpu]]. 解决方法: 1,任意路径下创建nvidia-container-runtime-script ......
docker quot capabilities response daemon

安装warp-transducer时cmake.. 出现 Building shared library with no GPU support的解决办法

warp-transducer A fast parallel implementation of RNN Transducer (Graves 2013 joint network), on both CPU and GPU. GPU implementation is now available ......

A Day with Pandas

I went to the Chengdu Panda Base and it was awesome! This place is where they take care of many pandas. I saw big pandas and baby pandas. They are so ......
Pandas with Day

Using Lua with Pktgen

Lua is a high level dynamic programming language. It is small and lightweight and can easily be embedded in applications written in other languages. I ......
Pktgen Using with Lua

2023-11-15 Using insecure protocols with repositories, without explicit opt-in, is unsupported. ==> Gradle不支持不安全的 Maven 仓库协议,也就是http,请改为https

前言:运行android项目报错: A problem occurred configuring root project 'xxx'.> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath'. > Using insec ......

Elasticsearch 8.7.1 with Spring

Elasticsearch是一个基于Lucene的搜索引擎,提供了分布式、多租户的全文搜索引擎功能。它可以快速地存储、搜索和分析大量数据,适用于各种类型的应用程序,如日志分析、实时搜索等。 使用Docker启动Elasticsearch & Kibana 运行命令启动Elasticsearch do ......
Elasticsearch Spring with