high-performance performance generating learning

c# .net 静态织入 代码生成 Source Generators

必须创建 netstandard项目【ClassLibrary1】来存放代码生成接口 [Generator] public class DemoSourceGenerator : ISourceGenerator { public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionCon ......
代码生成 静态 Generators 代码 Source

迁移学习(DCCL)《Domain Confused Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation》

论文信息 论文标题:Domain Confused Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation论文作者:Quanyu Long, Tianze Luo, Wenya Wang and Sinno Jialin Pan论文来源:NAA ......

异常检测-1-综述-Deep Learning for Anomaly Detection: A Survey

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330357393_Deep_Learning_for_Anomaly_Detection_A_Survey?enrichId=rgreq-40000b66a80039399492f90066ec07a0-XXX&en ......
Detection Learning Anomaly Survey Deep

Online Continual Learning with Maximally Interfered Retrieval---阅读笔记

Online Continual Learning with Maximally Interfered Retrieval 阅读笔记 摘要: 本文主要提出了一种可控的样本采集策略的重放方法。我们检索受干扰最大的样本,即它们的预测将受到预测参数更新的最大负面影响。 1 Introduction 人工神 ......

【论文精读 - DDPM】Deep Unsupervised Learning using Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics

数学推导【转载】 数学推导过程来自苏剑林大神的《生成扩散模型漫谈》系列,感谢苏神的无私奉献,让我这样数学功底不好的人也能领略这个当下最为火爆的模型的精髓。 系列中有部分步骤,一眼看过去可能有些费解,所以这里稍微做了展开,作为自己的笔记用。 通俗解释:DDPM=拆楼+建楼 生成模型实际上就是:随机噪声 ......

06.Sentiment Analysis Based on Deep Learning: A Comparative Study

Sentiment Analysis Based on Deep Learning: A Comparative Study 深度学习的情感分析的比较研究 目前在社交网络中的情绪分析已经成为了解用户意见的有力手段,并有着广泛应用。然而情感分析的效率和准确性受到自然语言处理中遇到的挑战和障碍 本问综述 ......

The Predictron: End-To-End Learning and Planning

**发表时间:**2017(ICML 2017) **文章要点:**这篇文章设计了一个叫Predictron的结构,在abstract的状态上进行学习,通过multiple planning depths来使得model self-consistent,进行端对端的学习。这里的设定是MRP,不是MD ......
Predictron End-To-End End Learning Planning

[论文阅读] Diff-Font: Diffusion Model for Robust One-Shot Font Generation

pre title: Diff-Font: Diffusion Model for Robust One-Shot Font Generation accepted: arxiv 2022 paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.05895 code: none ref: ......
Font Generation Diff-Font Diffusion One-Shot

Learning Blender: A Hands-On Guide to Creating 3D Animation(2nd Edition)

参考1:https://www.doc88.com/p-9975664843996.html(书) 参考2:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1wW411i7nY(视频) ......
Animation Learning Hands-On Creating Blender

【Verilog HDL】generate语法

generate可以实现某些语句的重复。 genvar 与 generate 是Verilog 2001 才有的功能,可以配合条件语句、分支语句等做一些有规律的例化或者赋值操作。 generate语法有generate for,generate if 和 generate case 三种。可以在ge ......
语法 generate Verilog HDL

mini spring learning

https://www.pexels.com/zh-cn/photo/768089/ http://www.implements.fun:8080/tag/minispring package com.minis.beans.factory; import com.minis.beans.Beans ......
learning spring mini

About Interviews and Learning------Learning journals 5

This week, we produced a group assignment, an interview video on cultural appropriation and appreciation, from which we can always learn something use ......
Learning Interviews journals About and

learn C++ for infrastructure software

To learn C++ for infrastructure software, you can follow these steps: Learn the basics of C++: Start by learning the basics of C++ programming languag ......
infrastructure software learn for

计算机视觉中的主动学习(Active Learning)介绍

前言 Active Learning主动学习是机器学习 (ML) 的一个研究领域,旨在通过以智能方式查询管道的下一个数据来降低构建新机器学习解决方案的成本和时间。在开发新的 AI 解决方案和处理图像、音频或文本等非结构化数据时,我们通常需要人工对数据进行注释,然后才能使用它们来训练我们的模型。这个数 ......
Learning 视觉 计算机 Active

Angular Generating browser application bundles (phase: setup)...An unhandled exception occurred: webpack_1.AngularWebpackPlugin is not a constructor

PS F:\WorkGitHub\angulard3tree> ng serve⠋ Generating browser application bundles (phase: setup)...An unhandled exception occurred: webpack_1.AngularWe ......

什么是 Chrome 开发者工具 performance 面板 Experience 里的 Layout shift

Chrome 开发者工具 performance 面板 Experience 中的 Layout shift(布局位移)是指在页面加载过程中元素的位置发生了意外的变化,这种变化可能会导致用户的不良体验,例如元素突然移动导致用户误点击其他链接或按钮。 Layout shift 主要由于以下原因引起: ......

Sample-Based Learning and Search with Permanent and Transient Memories

**发表时间:**2008(ICML 2008) **文章要点:**这篇文章提出Dyna-2算法,把sample-based learning and sample-based search结合起来,并在Go上进行测试。作者认为,search算法是一种transient的算法,就是短期记忆用了就忘了 ......

MyBatis Generator插件使用(配置详解)

https://www.404bugs.com/details/1081229982964699136 Hibernate 根据写好的 pojo启动服务器会自动帮助我们生成对应的数据表。 Mybatis Generator简称 MBG,是一个专门为 MyBatis和 ibatis框架使用者提供的代码 ......
Generator 插件 MyBatis

Learning Objectives COMP 250

Assignment 3 COMP 250 Winter 2023 posted: Thursday, March 23, 2023 due: Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 11:59m Learning Objectives By the end of this assig ......
Objectives Learning COMP 250

python generated .Doc File

笔记软件在2023/3/28 18:33:29推送该笔记 使用python实现Doc文档的生成 from docx import Document from docx.shared import Cm,Pt from docx.document import Document as Doc from ......
generated python File Doc

python generator相关

本文的重点介绍python中的yield用法及这样的表达式: comp_list = [x * 2 for x in range(10)] -- List Comprehensions 和 (x ** 2 for x in range(10)) -- Generator Expressions 摘抄 ......
generator python

COMP4318 COMP4318 – Machine Learning

OMP5318/COMP4318 – Machine Learning and Data Mining Semester 1, 2023Page 1 of 7Assignment 1: ClassificationKey informationDeadlinesSubmission: 11:59pm ......
COMP 4318 Learning Machine

Learning model-based planning from scratch

**发表时间:**2017 **文章要点:**这篇文章想说,之前的文章去做planning的时候,都会去设计一个planning的方法。这篇文章提出了一个端到端的方法,Imagination-based Planner,不去设计planning的方式,做到全部的端对端训练,agent会决定什么时候去 ......
model-based Learning planning scratch model


/Users/song/codelearn/sqlalchemy_learn/init_test_data.py #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import asyncio import random from faker import ......

Difformer: Empowering Diffusion Models on the Embedding Space for Text Generation

Gao Z., Guo J., Tan X., Zhu Y., Zhang F., Bian J. and Xu L. Difformer: Empowering diffusion models on the embedding space for text generation. arXiv p ......


刚才看文档翻到了async和await,然后就看到了这个,看了好久了现在终于明白一点了 generator(生成器) yield返回值,使生成器函数执行暂停; 用 function*定义的函数称之为生成器函数,返回一个不能直接使用的 Generator 对象。 yield关键字实际返回一个Itera ......
generator yield

Appropriation and Appreciation------learning journals 4

There are many cultures in this world, but some cultures are rarely known, even if they are known to a certain extent, leading to the existence of ste ......

learn to js

Certainly! Here are some book and video recommendations to help you learn JavaScript: "JavaScript: The Good Parts" by Douglas Crockford - This book is ......
learn js to

迁移学习(PCL)《PCL: Proxy-based Contrastive Learning for Domain Generalization》

论文信息 论文标题:PCL: Proxy-based Contrastive Learning for Domain Generalization论文作者:论文来源:论文地址:download 论文代码:download引用次数: 1 前言 域泛化是指从一组不同的源域中训练一个模型,可以直接推广到不 ......

Deep Transfer Learning综述阅读笔记

这是一篇linkedin发表的深度迁移学习综述, 里面讲了一些对于search/recommend system中的迁移学习应用. 有不少指导性的方法, 看完后摘录出来 对于ranking方向的TL, 主要有两种transfer方式: Model transfer 对于参数量非常大的预训练模型, F ......
Transfer Learning 笔记 Deep