
Open-World Object Manipulation using Pre-trained Vision-Language Models

概述 提出MOO: Manipulation of Open-World Objects 用预训练的VLM在图像中标记instruction的object的坐标,传入policy进行控制,可以zero-shot泛化到novel object,还支持手指、点击输入指令。 问题 机器人泛化到训练中没有见 ......

Leveraging Pre-trained Large Language Models to Construct and UtilizeWorld Models for Model-based Task Planning

0 Abstract 将LLM直接作为planner的方法实用性不足的几个原因:plan的正确率有限,严重依赖于feedback(与sim或者真实环境的交互),利用人类feedback的效率低下。 作者在两个IPC域和一个Household域证实了GPT-4可以用来生成高质量的PDDL模型(执行超过 ......

TensorFlow-深度学习预训练模型的使用方法讲解(TensorFlow-Explanation on how to use deep learning pre-trained models)

在运用深度学习模型时,掌握运用预训练模型的方法是必不可少的一步。为什么要使用与训练的模型,原因归纳如下: (1)使用大量高质量的数据(如 ImageNet 是普林斯顿大学与斯坦福大学所主导的项目)又加上设计较复杂的模型结构(如ResNet模型高达150层)设计出来的模型,准确率会大大提高。 (2)可 ......

ElasticSearch之cat trained model API

命令样例如下: curl -X GET "https://localhost:9200/_cat/ml/trained_models?v=true&pretty" --cacert $ES_HOME/config/certs/http_ca.crt -u "elastic:ohCxPH=QBE+s5 ......
ElasticSearch trained model API cat

Can Pre-Trained Text-to-Image Models Generate Visual Goals for Reinforcement Learning

概述 Learning form the Void (LfVoid) 根据给定的language instruction对observation进行appearance-based and structure-based修改得到goal images,为RL提供奖励信号。提升了example-bas ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: PELICAN: Exploiting Backdoors of Naturally Trained Deep Learning Models In Binary Code Analysis

## Abstract 背景: 1. 本文研究的不是被恶意植入的后门,而是products of defects in training 2. 攻击模式: injecting some small fixed input pattern(backdoor) to induce misclassifi ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: Natural attack for pre-trained models of code

## Abstract 背景:目前大多数的adversarial attack method on pre-trained models of code忽略了perturbations should be natural to human judges(naturalness requirement ......

Proj CDeepFuzz Paper Reading: An Extensive Study on Pre-trained Models for Program Understanding and Generation

## Abstract ## 1. Intro ## 2. Background ### 2.1 Program Understanding and Generation Tasks ### 2.2 NL-PL Pre-Trained Models ![](https://img2023.cnblo ......

论文解读(PERL)《PERL: Pivot-based Domain Adaptation for Pre-trained Deep Contextualized Embedding Models》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:PERL: Pivot-based Domain Adaptation for Pre-trained Deep Contextualized Embedding Models论文作者:Eyal Ben-D ......

Mixture-of-Domain-Adapters: Decoupling and Injecting Domain Knowledge to Pre-trained Language Mod...

### 1. Abstract 经过预训练的语言模型(PLM)表现出在通用领域理解文本的出色能力,同时在特定领域中表现不佳。**尽管在大型领域特定语料库上继续预训练是有效的,但调整领域上的所有参数是昂贵的**。在本文中,我们研究了是否可以通过只调整几个参数来有效地调整PLM。具体来说,我们将Tran ......

论文解读(SentiX)《SentiX: A Sentiment-Aware Pre-Trained Model for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:SentiX: A Sentiment-Aware Pre-Trained Model for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis论文作者:Jie Zhou, Junfeng T ......

Uncovering the Representation of Spiking Neural Networks Trained with Surrogate Gradient

郑重声明:原文参见标题,如有侵权,请联系作者,将会撤销发布! Published in Transactions on Machine Learning Research (04/2023) ......

Vicuna-13B, an open-source chatbot trained by fine-tuning LLaMA

一、项目背景 We introduce Vicuna-13B, an open-source chatbot trained by fine-tuning LLaMA on user-shared conversations collected from ShareGPT. Preliminary ......

Generative Pre-trained Transformer(GPT)模型技术初探

一、Transformer模型 2017年,Google在论文 Attention is All you need 中提出了 Transformer 模型,其使用 Self-Attention 结构取代了在 NLP 任务中常用的 RNN 网络结构。相比 RNN 网络结构,其最大的优点是可以并行计算。 ......

Going Deeper With Directly-Trained Larger Spiking Neural Networks

郑重声明:原文参见标题,如有侵权,请联系作者,将会撤销发布! The Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-21) Abstract 脉冲神经网络(SNN)在时空信息和事件驱动信号处理的生物可编程编码中很有前途,非 ......
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