certificate chain trust of


first-of-type, last-of-type, nth-of-type, nth-last-of-type 选择器的用法和我们想象的不一样,可以说是不合常理它们的用法相同,就以 nth-of-type 举例 :nth-of-type(1) 选择同类型标签元素的第1个 p:nth-of-ty ......
of-type type of

c++11: all_of 、 any_of 和 none_of

242. 有效的字母异位词 ```cpp class Solution { public: bool isAnagram(string s, string t) { if(s.size()!=t.size()) return false; int ans[26]={0}; for(auto& ch: ......
of none_of all_of any_of none

SpringSecurity集成启动报 In the composition of all global method configuration, no annotation support was actually activated 异常

## 一.异常内容 ```java Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'methodSecurityMetadataSource' def ......

The Importance of Particle Size Analysis in Preformulation Studies

Preformulation research is a vital link in drug development, directly affecting the subsequent development process and final application of drugs. ......

Self-consistency Improves Chain of Thought Reasoning in Language Models 论文阅读

ICLR 2023 [原文地址](https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.11171) ## 1. Motivation Chain-of-Thought(CoT)使Large Language Models(LLMs)在复杂的推理任务中取得了令人鼓舞的结果。 本文提出了一种新的解码策 ......

文献阅读-Inferring Networks of Diffusion and Influence

Authors: Manuel Gomez-Rodriguez, Jure Leskovec, Andreas Krause Authors Info & Claims ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from DataVolume 5Issue 4A ......

【Oracle】Oracle Database Administration 2019 Certified Professional Certification - 1Z0-083 - 110 真题

说明: 1.目前题库100%覆盖考题,准确率84%。 2.若需要优质烤券,请私信,留下你的WX。(官方250刀,本店只需要1500RMB包含100%完整题库以及考试经验分享) 3.本条信息长期有效。 考试题量:85 通过分数:84% 1、Which two are true about reclai ......

EmbodiedGPT: Vision-Language Pre-Training via Embodied Chain of Thought

Abstract: 具身人工智能(Embodied AI)让机器人有规划、执行动作序列的能力,以在物理环境中完成长期任务。本文提出EmbodiedGPT,它是一个端到端的多模态基础模型,赋予具身代理多模态理解和执行能力。本文的贡献主要有三点: 制作了一个大规模的具身规划数据集EgoCOT。该数据集包 ......

循环依赖导致编译或者服务启动报错问题:The dependencies of some of the beans in the application context form a cycle

错误如图: 我的是服务器启动服务时报错: ***************************APPLICATION FAILED TO START*************************** Description: The dependencies of some of the be ......
dependencies application the context 问题

2023-05-29 Cannot read property 'access_token' of undefined

调用微信小程序登录接口,返回Cannot read property 'access_token' of undefined,即access_token未定义,登陆失败了,没有返回这个字段。 解决方案:把开发人员添加到小程序的开发者名单里去就可以了。 ......

Burp Suite Error The client failed to negotiate a TLS connection to chrome.google.com: 443: Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown

Burp Suite Error The client failed to negotiate a TLS connection to chrome.google.com: 443: Received fatal alert: certificate_unknown http://burpsuite ......

JS 中 for in 和 for of 的区别

记忆方法: for in : ES5先出,index,遍历索引,适合对象 for of : ES6后出,遍历属性,适合数组 for in 和 for of 是js中常用的遍历方法;两者的区别如下: 一,遍历数组 1,for in 是ES5的语法标准,而for of则是ES6语法标准。 const a ......
for JS in of

LeetCode-Java题解 977. Squares of a Sorted Array

题目地址:[977. Squares of a Sorted Array](https://leetcode.cn/problems/squares-of-a-sorted-array/) 解题思路: 又是一道双指针的题目,看见秒想到双指针(平方直接调用sort方法也行,但是这么写这题就没意思了)。 ......
题解 LeetCode-Java LeetCode Squares Sorted

Uncovering the Representation of Spiking Neural Networks Trained with Surrogate Gradient

郑重声明:原文参见标题,如有侵权,请联系作者,将会撤销发布! Published in Transactions on Machine Learning Research (04/2023) ......

力扣 662 https://leetcode.cn/problems/maximum-width-of-binary-tree/

需要了解树的顺序存储 如果是普通的二叉树 ,底层是用链表去连接的 如果是满二叉树,底层用的是数组去放的,而数组放的时候 会有索引对应 当前父节点是索引i,下一个左右节点就是2i,2i+1 利用满二叉树的索引特征 所以需要对每个节点进行一个索引赋值,赋值在队列中,队列用数组表示 核心代码如下 publ ......

Basics of Neural Network Programming

[TOC] # Basics of Neural Network Programming ## Logistic Regression given x , want $\hat{y}=P(y=1|x)$, $x\in\R^{n_x}$ > $\hat{y_1}=w_{11}*x_{11}+w_{12 ......
Programming Network Basics Neural of

[ICDE 2023] Minimizing the Influence of Misinformation via Vertex Blocking

# Minimizing the Influence of Misinformation via Vertex Blocking ## Motivation and Application 其实就是经典的Rumor Blocking问题,即通过一系列的操作使得rumor在社交网络中的影响力最小。主流 ......

2023年国际大学生程序设计竞赛(ACM-ICPC)新疆赛区 A.The Number Of Black Edges

[传送门](https://ac.nowcoder.com/acm/contest/57840/A) 大致题意: ** 爱丽丝得到一棵树,树上有n个节点,索引从1到n。树上的每条边可以是黑色或白色,所有的边最初都是白色的。有三种操作: 1. 将一条边的颜色改为黑色。2. 将一条边的颜色改为白色。3. ......

MySQL OEM报警Increase the binlog_cache_size variable dynamically and monitor the ratio of Binlog_cache_disk_use to Binlog_cache_use .

Increase the binlog_cache_size variable dynamically and monitor the ratio of Binlog_cache_disk_use to Binlog_cache_use . When it reaches an acceptable ......

Exploring the Role of Preclinical Toxicology Tests in Vaccine Development

The difficulty of drug safety evaluation in vaccines is that the vaccine does not directly exert preventive or therapeutic effects but acts by inducin... ......

x509: cannot validate certificate for xxx because it doesn't contain any IP SANs

项目中有时候需要访问https网站,但如果该网站使用的是自建证书,那client端验证server端证书时,有时候会报错: > x509: cannot validate certificate for xxx because it doesn't contain any IP SANs 碰到这种情 ......
certificate validate because contain cannot

docker login harbor x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

# 前言 docker login harbor x509: certificate signed by unknown authority # 解决 打开 `/etc/docker/daemon.json`,如果没有这个文件新增即可 ``` vim /etc/docker/daemon.json ......
certificate authority unknown docker harbor

Part2: DDPM as Example of Variational Inference

> 很多次翻看DDPM,始终不太能理解论文中提到的$\text{Variational Inference}$到底是如何在这个工作中起到作用。五一假期在家,无意间又刷到徐亦达老师早些年录制的理论视频,没想到其中也有介绍这部分的内容。老师的上课方式总是娓娓道来,把每一步都讲解得很仔细。本文记录一下个人 ......
Variational Inference Example Part2 Part

The Method of Four Russians 四毛子

## The Method of Four Russians 又名“四毛子算法”。概括来讲是一种分块后对小块的相同情况合并之后处理小块内,块间另行处理的算法。 一个典中点的例子是 $\pm1\ \text{RMQ}$,我们考虑块大小为 $B$,这样的话块间我们使用 $\text{ST}$ 表,块内一 ......
毛子 Russians Method Four The


读《城南旧事》 Created: 2023-05-25T18:30+08:00 Categories: ReadingNotes 最近在看《Happier》、《毛毛》,感觉不同书里一些词句和记忆中的文字相通了。 最早接触林海音的文章,可能是来自《童年·冬阳·骆驼队》: > 老师教给我,要学骆驼,沉得 ......

CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CApath: none

报错信息:cURL error 77: error setting certificate verify locations: CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt CApath: none ln -s /etc/pki/ca-trust/extrac ......

论文解析 -- A Survey of Large Language Models

什么是语言模型?生成式,完成语言接龙或填空 Technically, language modeling (LM) is one of the major approaches to advancing language intelligence of machines. In general, L ......
Language Survey Models 论文 Large

K8S异常之Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid【转】

一、问题:k8s证书过期 [root@nb001 ~]# kubectl get node Unable to connect to the server: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2022-12 ......
certificate connect expired Unable server

1066 Root of AVL Tree

题目: An AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree. In an AVL tree, the heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one; if at ......
1066 Root Tree AVL of

使用 TensorFlow 自动微分和神经网络功能估算线性回归的参数(Estimate parameters for linear regression using automatic differentiation or neural network functions of TensorFlow)

大多数的深度学习框架至少都会具备以下功能: (1)张量运算 (2)自动微分 (3)神经网络及各种神经层 TensorFlow 框架亦是如此。在《深度学习全书 公式+推导+代码+TensorFlow全程案例》—— 洪锦魁主编 清华大学出版社 ISBN 978-7-302-61030-4 这本书第3章 ......