desertification china of

Exploring the Role of Preclinical Toxicology Tests in Vaccine Development

The difficulty of drug safety evaluation in vaccines is that the vaccine does not directly exert preventive or therapeutic effects but acts by inducin... ......

Part2: DDPM as Example of Variational Inference

> 很多次翻看DDPM,始终不太能理解论文中提到的$\text{Variational Inference}$到底是如何在这个工作中起到作用。五一假期在家,无意间又刷到徐亦达老师早些年录制的理论视频,没想到其中也有介绍这部分的内容。老师的上课方式总是娓娓道来,把每一步都讲解得很仔细。本文记录一下个人 ......
Variational Inference Example Part2 Part

The Method of Four Russians 四毛子

## The Method of Four Russians 又名“四毛子算法”。概括来讲是一种分块后对小块的相同情况合并之后处理小块内,块间另行处理的算法。 一个典中点的例子是 $\pm1\ \text{RMQ}$,我们考虑块大小为 $B$,这样的话块间我们使用 $\text{ST}$ 表,块内一 ......
毛子 Russians Method Four The


读《城南旧事》 Created: 2023-05-25T18:30+08:00 Categories: ReadingNotes 最近在看《Happier》、《毛毛》,感觉不同书里一些词句和记忆中的文字相通了。 最早接触林海音的文章,可能是来自《童年·冬阳·骆驼队》: > 老师教给我,要学骆驼,沉得 ......

论文解析 -- A Survey of Large Language Models

什么是语言模型?生成式,完成语言接龙或填空 Technically, language modeling (LM) is one of the major approaches to advancing language intelligence of machines. In general, L ......
Language Survey Models 论文 Large

1066 Root of AVL Tree

题目: An AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree. In an AVL tree, the heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one; if at ......
1066 Root Tree AVL of

使用 TensorFlow 自动微分和神经网络功能估算线性回归的参数(Estimate parameters for linear regression using automatic differentiation or neural network functions of TensorFlow)

大多数的深度学习框架至少都会具备以下功能: (1)张量运算 (2)自动微分 (3)神经网络及各种神经层 TensorFlow 框架亦是如此。在《深度学习全书 公式+推导+代码+TensorFlow全程案例》—— 洪锦魁主编 清华大学出版社 ISBN 978-7-302-61030-4 这本书第3章 ......

The Difficulty of Passive Learning in Deep Reinforcement Learning

![]( **发表时间:**2021(NeurIPS 2021) **文章要点:**这篇文章提出一个tandem learni ......

Master of GCD(hdu6273)

题面:Problem J. Master of GCDHakase has n numbers in a line. At first, they are all equal to 1. Besides, Hakase is interested in primes.She will choose ......
Master 6273 GCD hdu of

[LeetCode] 1344. Angle Between Hands of a Clock 时钟指针的夹角

Given two numbers, `hour` and `minutes`, return *the smaller angle (in degrees) formed between the *`hour`* and the *`minute`* hand*. Answers within ` ......
夹角 指针 时钟 LeetCode Between

「解题报告」XXI Open Cup, Grand Prix of Tokyo

猜猜为什么四五天没更博了?~~攒了个大的。~~ ~~非常好 OpenCup,10 个 998244353,爱来自陶瓷❤~~ 快写死我了,终于写完了。 十道题里只有三道题是自己做出来的。我好废物。 [Codeforces Gym]( ......
报告 Grand Tokyo Open Prix

RuntimeError:working outside of application context. Flask使用SQLAlchemy数据库

###问题 报错RuntimeError:working outside of application context. ###本质:依赖包版本不匹配 flask-sqlalchemy、flask-sqlalchemy 版本过高导致,换低版本 ``` pip install flask-sqlalc ......

odoo domain child of,

s ......
domain child odoo of


引言 人工智能的发展一直以来都是实现智能系统推理能力的主要目标之一。近年来,大型语言模型的发展取得了重大进展,特别是它们在上下文学习方面的应用,为机器推理开辟了新的途径,但其在复杂推理方面仍面临挑战。为此今天分享的这篇文章,介绍了一种名为“Tree-of-Thought(ToT)”的框架,旨在提高自 ......
Tree-of-Thought Thought Tree of

LeeeSe/MessAuto: 自动提取Mac平台的短信验证码,2FHey的免费替代品;Automatic extraction of SMS verification code for Mac platform, free alternatives to 2FHey (

DreamSaddle/MacCopier: MacCopier 是一个提供在 Macos 中收到短信验证码后自动复制到剪贴板功能的软件。 ( LeeeSe/MessAuto: 自动提取Mac平台的短信验证码,2FHey的免费替代品;Automatic extraction o ......

k8s Error: failed to prepare subPath for volumeMount "custom-logo" of container "grafana"

# 前言 使用 `k8s` 挂载卷文件时,使用了 `hostPath`,`type: File` ``` volumeMounts: - mountPath: /usr/share/grafana/public/img/grafana_icon.svg name: custom-logo subPa ......

Toxicokinetics: A critical component of preclinical drug research

Toxicokinetics is based on pharmacokinetic studies, with the help of its methods and tools, to help evaluate drug safety and regulate research behavio... ......

unity文档翻译 2021.3 Unity architecture->ScriptingUnity architectureOverview of .NET in Unity Overview of .NET in Unity (Unity中.Net的OverView) Unity uses the open-source .NET plat ......

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘install‘)

出现该情况的原因是vue-router安装的版本太高,一般vue2的项目对应的版本是vue-router@3版本 ①在控制台输入: cnpm install --save vue-router@3.5.3 重新安装vue-router即可解决 ......

遇到的问题之"数据库编写SQL-》子查询中加入limit报错:This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'LIMIT & IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery'"

一、问题 > 1235 - This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'LIMIT & IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery' 二、原因/解决方案 这个错误通常是由于MySQL版本太旧导致的。在旧版本的MySQL中,无法在子查询中使用LIMIT和 ......
quot 39 subquery version support

RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (7375) must match the size of tensor b (6776) at non-singleton dimension 0

报错的代码位置: 1. 1 File "F:\recommend experience\doing\"中的: 2 3 self.user_dgi_feat = self.dgi.encoder(self.user_feat_sp_tensor).detach() 2. Fil ......

Top 100 GitHub Users in China All In One

# Top 100 GitHub Users in China All In One > GitHub API ## demos ......
GitHub China Users Top 100

1053 Path of Equal Weight(附测试点6思路)

题目: Given a non-empty tree with root R, and with weight Wi​assigned to each tree node Ti​. The weight of a path from R to L is defined to be the sum o ......
思路 Weight Equal 1053 Path

Field userClient in com.demo.order.service.OrderService required a bean of type'com.demo.feign.clients.UserClient' that could not be found.

在SpringCloud项目中使用Feign进行远程调用遇到的错误。原因是因为UserClient在com.demo.feign.clients包下面,而order-service的@EnableFeignClientd注解却在com.demo.order包下面,这两个不在同一个包下,无法扫描到Us ......
demo OrderService userClient UserClient com

Family of Solution Sets

欢迎投歌词!评论告诉我歌曲链接和词就好啦~大概四五天一更? - [Solution Set - “卷起击碎定论的漩涡”]( $\to$ [《夏虫》]( ......
Solution Family Sets of

Redirect the Output of systemd Service to a File

By default stdout and stderr of a systemd unit are sent to syslog. 以filebeat service 为例: [Unit] Description=filebeat StartLimitIntervalSec=0 [Service] ......
Redirect Service systemd Output File

已解决If this call came from a file, your generated code is out of date and must be regenerated

已解决TypeError: Descriptors cannot not be created directly.If this call came from a file, your generated code is out of date and must be regener ......
regenerated generated this call came

TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'name')

报错如下: 错误代码: searchList() { this.entity = {} this.edit = null let query = {} query.traceCode = this.code this.loading = true codeApi.queryTraceCode(que ......
properties TypeError reading Cannot 39

Walkthrough-TEMPLE OF DOOM 1

0x01 环境 靶机地址:,243/ 靶机可能有点问题,中途获得shell时,如果没有看到fireman的进程,可以重启一下靶机。 0x02 过程 1.信息收集 ┌──(root㉿kali)-[/home/ ......

An Attempt at Reducing Costs of Disk I/O in Go

为了实现磁盘上的IO,go语言使用一组IO线程池用来提高CPU的使用率 本文是在go语言上尝试了接入了linux libaio,并没有发现性能的提升。 使用O_DIRECT意味着数据直接到达磁盘上,这将不能有效的利用pagecache用来加速,合并读写请求;O_DIRECT的方式对读写的大小有限制, ......
Reducing Attempt Costs Disk An