domain domain-invariant generalization exploration

论文解读(CST)《Cycle Self-Training for Domain Adaptation》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:Cycle Self-Training for Domain Adaptation论文作者:Hong Liu, Jianmin Wang, Mingsheng Long论文来源:2021 论文地址:down ......

论文解读(MTEM)《Meta-Tsallis-Entropy Minimization: A New Self-Training Approach for Domain Adaptation on Text Classification》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:Meta-Tsallis-Entropy Minimization: A New Self-Training Approach for Domain Adaptation on Text Classific ......

论文精读:带有源标签自适应的半监督域适应(Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation with Source Label Adaptation)

# Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation with Source Label Adaptation 具有源标签适应的半监督域适应 >[原文链接]( ......

Xcode,swift:Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=1 "(null)"问题解决

问题描述: iOS开发时,当使用用户的位置权限时,获取用户经纬度报错:Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=1 "(null)",错误域=kCLError域代码=1“(null)” 解决方法: 打开模拟机的设置-通用-语言与地区 将地区设置为中国(如果你的开发位置在中国的 ......
quot kCLErrorDomain Domain 问题 Xcode

[SQL Server]无法解决 equal to 运算中 "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" 和 "Chinese_PRC_CI_AS" 之间的排序规则冲突。

错误信息: [SQL Server]无法解决 equal to 运算中 "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" 和 "Chinese_PRC_CI_AS" 之间的排序规则冲突。 场景: 一个简单的SQL语句,因为团队合作建表时排序方式不同,两个字段无法比较 select mca ......

[ABC318D] General Weighted Max Matching 题解

# [ABC318D] General Weighted Max Matching 题解 ## 题意 给定无向有权完全图,求最大权匹配。 ## 思路分析 注意到 $n \le 16$,我考虑状压 DP。 设当前点集 $S$ 中最大权匹配的答案是 $f_S$,我们考虑 $S$ 中“最后”一个点 $p$ ......
题解 Weighted Matching General 318D

[ABC318D] General Weighted Max Matching 题解

因为 $n$ 很小,所以考虑状压 dp。 令 $sta$ 为一个二进制整数,表示当前第 $i$ 个点有没有被匹配。 那么显然对于每一个 $sta$ 第 $i,j$ 两点未被匹配的都可以用边 $(i,j)$ 来转移到 $sta|(1 #include typedef long long ll; con ......
题解 Weighted Matching General 318D

Implementing Domain Driven Design (A practical guide for implementing the Domain Driven Design with the ABP Framework)

##CONTENTS **Introduction**.................................................. * **Goal**...................................................... * **Sim ......

论文解读(SPGJL)《Soft Prompt Guided Joint Learning for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:Soft Prompt Guided Joint Learning for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis论文作者:Jingli Shi、Weihua Li、Quan Bai ......

论文解读(WDGRL)《Wasserstein Distance Guided Representation Learning for Domain Adaptation》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:Wasserstein Distance Guided Representation Learning for Domain Adaptation论文作者:Jian Shen、Yanru Qu、Weinan ......

论文解读(AdSPT)《Adversarial Soft Prompt Tuning for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:Adversarial Soft Prompt Tuning for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis论文作者:Hui Wu、Xiaodong Shi论文来源:2022 ACL ......

论文解读(DEAL)《DEAL: An Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Framework for Graph-level Classification》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:DEAL: An Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Framework for Graph-level Classification论文作者:Nan Yin、Li Shen、Baop ......

论文解读(PERL)《PERL: Pivot-based Domain Adaptation for Pre-trained Deep Contextualized Embedding Models》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:PERL: Pivot-based Domain Adaptation for Pre-trained Deep Contextualized Embedding Models论文作者:Eyal Ben-D ......

论文解读(TAMEPT)《A Two-Stage Framework with Self-Supervised Distillation For Cross-Domain Text Classification》

论文信息 论文标题:A Two-Stage Framework with Self-Supervised Distillation For Cross-Domain Text Classification论文作者:Yunlong Feng, Bohan Li, Libo Qin, Xiao Xu, ......

论文解读(MetaAdapt)《MetaAdapt: Domain Adaptive Few-Shot Misinformation Detection via Meta Learning》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:MetaAdapt: Domain Adaptive Few-Shot Misinformation Detection via Meta Learning论文作者:Zhenrui Yue、Huimin Z ......

论文解读(WIND)《WIND: Weighting Instances Differentially for Model-Agnostic Domain Adaptation》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:WIND: Weighting Instances Differentially for Model-Agnostic Domain Adaptation论文作者:论文来源:2021 ACL论文地址:dow ......

Mixture-of-Domain-Adapters: Decoupling and Injecting Domain Knowledge to Pre-trained Language Mod...

### 1. Abstract 经过预训练的语言模型(PLM)表现出在通用领域理解文本的出色能力,同时在特定领域中表现不佳。**尽管在大型领域特定语料库上继续预训练是有效的,但调整领域上的所有参数是昂贵的**。在本文中,我们研究了是否可以通过只调整几个参数来有效地调整PLM。具体来说,我们将Tran ......

论文解读(BSFDA)《Black-box Source-free Domain Adaptation via Two-stage Knowledge Distillation》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:Black-box Source-free Domain Adaptation via Two-stage Knowledge Distillation论文作者:Shuai Wang, Daoan Zhan ......

论文解读(KDSSDA)《Knowledge distillation for semi-supervised domain adaptation》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:Knowledge distillation for semi-supervised domain adaptation论文作者:Mauricio Orbes-Arteaga, Jorge Cardoso论 ......

论文解读(KD-UDA)《Joint Progressive Knowledge Distillation and Unsupervised Domain Adaptation》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:Joint Progressive Knowledge Distillation and Unsupervised Domain Adaptation论文作者:Yanping Fu, Yun Liu论文来源 ......

论文解读(CTDA)《Contrastive transformer based domain adaptation for multi-source cross-domain sentiment classification》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:Contrastive transformer based domain adaptation for multi-source cross-domain sentiment classification论 ......

论文解读(UDALM)《UDALM: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation through Language Modeling 》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:UDALM: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation through Language Modeling 论文作者:Constantinos Karouzos, Georgios Pa ......

论文解读(CBL)《CNN-Based Broad Learning for Cross-Domain Emotion Classification》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 付费咨询,非诚勿扰 ] 论文信息 论文标题:CNN-Based Broad Learning for Cross-Domain Emotion Classification论文作者:Rong Zeng, Hongzhan Liu , Sancheng ......

论文解读(ECACL)《ECACL: A Holistic Framework for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 付费咨询,非诚勿扰 ] 论文信息 论文标题:ECACL: A Holistic Framework for Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation论文作者:Kai Li, Chang Liu, Handong Zhao, Y ......

Neo4j Neo.TransientError.General.MemoryPoolOutOfMemoryError

The allocation of an extra 4.0 MiB would use more than the limit 2.0 GiB. Currently using 2.0 GiB. threshold reached ......

论文解读(MCADA)《Multicomponent Adversarial Domain Adaptation: A General Framework》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:Multicomponent Adversarial Domain Adaptation: A General Framework论文作者:Chang’an Yi, Haotian Chen, Yonghu ......

华为云API Explorer:自动化运维的得力助手

华为云API Explorer为开发者提供一站式API解决方案统一平台,集成华为云服务所有开放API,支持全量快速检索、可视化调试、帮助文档、代码示例等能力,帮助开发者快速学习API,使用API开发代码实现自动化运维。 ......
得力 Explorer 助手 API

论文解读(SentiX)《SentiX: A Sentiment-Aware Pre-Trained Model for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:SentiX: A Sentiment-Aware Pre-Trained Model for Cross-Domain Sentiment Analysis论文作者:Jie Zhou, Junfeng T ......

论文解读(TAT)《 Transferable Adversarial Training: A General Approach to Adapting Deep Classifiers》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:Transferable Adversarial Training: A General Approach to Adapting Deep Classifiers论文作者:Hong Liu, Mingsh ......

论文解读(AAD)《Knowledge distillation for BERT unsupervised domain adaptation》

Note:[ wechat:Y466551 | 可加勿骚扰,付费咨询 ] 论文信息 论文标题:Knowledge distillation for BERT unsupervised domain adaptation论文作者:Minho Ryu、Geonseok Lee、Kichun Lee论文来 ......