learning summary fourth the

Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

docker-compose up -d 安装docker环境,提示一下错误:docker-compose 命令没发现。 docker compse up -d 报错: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.soc ......
daemon docker the connect running

通过时序和上下文对比学习时间序列表征《Time-Series Representation Learning via Temporal and Contextual Contrasting》(时间序列、时序表征、时态和上下文对比、对比学习、自监督学习、半监督学习)

现在是2023年11月14日的22:15,肝不动了,要不先回寝室吧,明天把这篇看了,然后把文档写了。OK,明天的To Do List. 现在是2023年11月15日的10:35,继续。 论文:Time-Series Representation Learning via Temporal and C ......
时间序列 时序 上下文 序列 上下

The 2023 CCPC Guilin H. Sweet Sugar

CF评测机最近读入怎么这么慢啊,一样的算法,\(10^6\)的输入用scanf和关流cin都TLE飞,一定要用fread快读才能卡过可海星 这个题比赛的时候最后封榜后徐神和祁神就在一起冲这个题,给出的贪心的思路其实也是对的,但没有想到可以分奇偶性然后DP来验证 当然也和我占着机子写不出C红温有关,最 ......
Guilin Sweet Sugar 2023 CCPC

vcpkg install polyclipping:x64-windows Could not locate a manifest (vcpkg.json) above the current working directory. This vcpkg distribution does not have a classic mode instance.

错误信息表明 vcpkg 在当前工作目录及其父目录中找不到 vcpkg.json 文件,因此无法确定要安装的库。 这可能是因为你执行 vcpkg install 命令的位置不在包含 vcpkg.json 文件的项目目录中。 以下是解决方法: 确保在包含 vcpkg.json 的项目目录中运行命令: ......

The 2023 CCPC Guilin C. Master of Both IV

Preface 妈的期中考终于结束了,感觉在区域赛前抽出将近两周的时间不训练去复习有点得不偿失的说 现在终于有时间来补一下题,其实手头要补的题还挺多的,一个是上次CCPC桂林打完后可做的一些题,另一个是这段时间零碎地练习的两场 一场台湾的网络赛有两个题赛时卡着都没写出来,过两天补一下;另一个就是这周 ......
Guilin Master 2023 CCPC Both

browsermob-proxy-2.1.4启动失败,报错ProxyServerError: The Browsermob-Proxy server process failed to start. Check <_io.TextIOWrapper name='D:\server.log' mode='w' encoding='cp936'>for a helpful error message.

server.log文件错误信息: Running BrowserMob Proxy using LittleProxy implementation. To revert to the legacy implementation, run the proxy with the command-li ......

mkfs.xfs报错 mkfs.xfs: /dev/new/new_box appears to contain an existing filesystem (ext4). mkfs.xfs: Use the -f option to force overwrite.

在设置逻辑卷文件类型时候报错 mkfs.xfs: /dev/new/new_box appears to contain an existing filesystem (ext4). mkfs.xfs: Use the -f option to force overwrite. 上面是说目标分区,已 ......
mkfs xfs filesystem new overwrite

umount 报错umount: /new_room: target is busy. (In some cases useful info about processes that use the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))

挂载逻辑卷后,尝试更新逻辑卷的文件系统 [root@server lost+found]# umount /new_room/ umount: /new_room: target is busy. (In some cases useful info about processes that use ......
umount processes new_room device target

The song of Academia

In the realm of intellect, where thoughts intertwine, Intellectual pursuits, in brilliance, they shine. A young scholar, impulsive, yet keen to refine ......
Academia song The of

[P1518 [USACO2.4] 两只塔姆沃斯牛 The Tamworth Two]的解题思路

P1518 [USACO2.4] 两只塔姆沃斯牛 The Tamworth Two 初始思路 利用数字1~4代表方向; 利用两个循环来实现两个角色的行为,通过每一步break实现两个角色的同步。 由于题目本意是同步,而我这实质上是分步(牛在前Farmer John在后),所以用Farmer John ......
Tamworth 思路 USACO2 P1518 USACO

The A to Z of ... from the Economist

The A to Z of economicsEconomic terms, from “absolute advantage” to “zero-sum game”, explained to you in plain Englishhttps://www.economist.com/econom ......
Economist from The the to

[题解] CF1051F The Shortest Statement

The Shortest Statement 给一张 \(n\) 个点 \(m\) 条边的无向连通图,保证 \(m - n \le 20\),\(q\) 次询问求两个点间的最短路。 \(n, m, q \le 10^5\)。 由于边数只比点数多 20,所以如果我们建出这张图的一棵生成树,那么非树边至 ......
题解 Statement Shortest 1051F 1051

nvidia-smi报错:NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver更优解决方案

Ubuntu 18.04系统中,某次pip安装后发现这个问题,有人说是因为系统内核升级造成的,从解决方案来看,系统内核升级更可信。解决方案参考了https://blog.csdn.net/dou3516/article/details/130593616,但更简洁。解决方案是DKMS安装NVIDIA ......

Xcode 展示failed to prepare the device for development

首先打开链接找到https://gitee.com/Han0/iOSDeviceSupport 找到对应版本,解压 其次打开终端 输入 open /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Device ......
development prepare failed device Xcode

The Pktgen Application

Pktgen, (Packet Gen-erator) is a software based traffic generator powered by the DPDK fast packet processing framework. Pktgen(数据包生成器)是一款基于软件的流量生成器,由 ......
Application Pktgen The

"Academy of Management" and the journal "Academy of Management Perspectives"

Academy of Management 555 Pleasantville Road, Suite N200 Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510-8020, USA Phone: +1 (914) 326-1800 Fax: +1 (914) 326-1900 Academy ......
quot Management Academy Perspectives journal

The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission,iphone手机video标签报错

The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context, possibly because the user denied permission,在当前上下文中,用户代理或平台不允许该请求 ......
the user permission platform possibly

关于.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/example/Merge has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 61.0), this version of 问题的彻底解决

问题描述 之前我是改变了本机上面的JDK的版本17为8; 然后这次我再次尝试MapReduce运行就报错了; 尝试更改IDEA中的环境JDK为8,还是一直显示这个错误~~~ 问题解决 根本问题在pom.xml文件这里,里面有定义我们使用的JDK的版本, 只要将其中的17改为8,然后再运行,就没有问题 ......

[LeetCode] 1334. Find the City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance

There are n cities numbered from 0 to n-1. Given the array edges where edges[i] = [fromi, toi, weighti] represents a bidirectional and weighted edge b ......
the Neighbors Threshold LeetCode Distance

题解 AT_codefestival_2016_final_f【Road of the King】

注意到当前移动到的位置并不重要,重要的是经过的点数和 \(1\) 所在强连通分量大小,因此把它们放进状态里:设 \(f_{i,j,k}\) 表示进行 \(i\) 次移动,经过了 \(j\) 个不同的点,此时 \(1\) 所在的强连通分量大小为 \(k\) 的方案数。 考察下一次移动到的点的情况: 没 ......

Reinforcement Learning Chapter 1

本文参考《Reinforcement Learning:An Introduction(2nd Edition)》Sutton. 强化学习是什么 传统机器学习方法可分为有监督与无监督两类; 有监督学习 > 任务驱动 无监督学习 > 数据驱动 强化学习则可看作机器学习的“第三范式” > 模拟驱动,具体 ......
Reinforcement Learning Chapter

【pwn】[HGAME 2023 week1]choose_the_seat --数组越界,劫持got表

查一下程序保护情况 发现是partial relro,说明got表是可以修改的,下一步看代码逻辑 看到这一段 puts(&seats[16 * v0]);存在数组越界的漏洞,因为上面的代码没有对v0进行负数的限制,v0可以是负数,我们来看一下seat的数据 可以发现seat上面的数据就是got表,s ......
数组 choose_the_seat choose HGAME week1

RLHF · PBRL | 发现部分 D4RL tasks 不适合做 offline reward learning 的 benchmark

发现对于很多任务,(只要给出专家轨迹),将 reward 设为 0 或随机数,也能学出很好 policy,证明这些任务不适合用来评测 reward learning 的性能好坏。 ......
benchmark learning offline 部分 reward

pip下载python软件包时报错 Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement requests_toolbelt (from versions: none)

pip下载python软件包时报错,使用了国内源等各种方法,后来才知道是电脑中打开了抓包工具;打开抓包工具后一定要关闭抓包工具,这样下载软件包就下载下来了 关闭抓包工具后,下载成功了 ......

TRL(Transformer Reinforcement Learning) PPO Trainer 学习笔记

(1) PPO Trainer TRL支持PPO Trainer通过RL训练语言模型上的任何奖励信号。奖励信号可以来自手工制作的规则、指标或使用奖励模型的偏好数据。要获得完整的示例,请查看examples/notebooks/gpt2-sentiment.ipynb。Trainer很大程度上受到了原 ......

husky——The '.husky/pre-commit' hook was ignored because it's not set as executable

前言 系统:mac hint: The '.husky/pre-commit' hook was ignored because it's not set as executable. hint: You can disable this warning with `git config advic ......
husky executable pre-commit 39 because

nginx / 引发的400 The plain HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port

问题: 使用nginx反向代理并将所有80转到443,访问 https://域名/login 出现问题如下,访问 https://域名/login/ 正常显示,但是点击登录无法发送请求仅仅刷新验证码。求解答 <html> <head> <title> 400 The plain HTTP reque ......
request nginx HTTPS plain HTTP

RuntimeError: The scheduler seems to be running under uWSGI, but threads have been disabled. You must run uWSGI with the --enable-threads option for the scheduler to work报错

解释 RuntimeError: The scheduler seems to be running under uWSGI, but threads have been disabled. You must run uWSGI with the --enable-threads option fo ......

2023 Nov. Week-2 Summary

2023 Nov. Week-2 Summary 2023.11.06 - 2023.11.12(椰树牌椰汁!) 学习内容 学了 基础算法(补题ing 高维前缀和 各种贪心的练 最小度限制生成树 基本的推狮子 动态规划 树形 D P,换根 D P wqs 二分 如学(需要复习 / 做题) 数据结构 ......
Summary 2023 Week Nov

A Learning Method for Feature Correspondence with Outliers读书笔记

A Learning Method for Feature Correspondence with Outliers 2022年 论文地址:A Learning Method for Feature Correspondence with Outliers | IEEE Conference Pub ......