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「解题报告」CF1662J Training Camp

~~模拟赛题,数据水被 dfs 草过去了。~~ 我们可以把每个点分成两个点 $a_{i, j}, b_{i, j}$,设这一行中选取的数为 $v$,那么对于一行内 $\ge v$ 的点选 $a$,大于 $v$ 的点选 $b$,那么题目的限制相当于每个点只能够选一个颜色。 看起来就像网络流,考虑怎么转 ......
Training 报告 1662J 1662 Camp

Learning to Pre-train Graph Neural Networks 学习如何预训练GNN

![image]( ![image]( ......
Pre-train Learning Networks Neural Graph

Self-Supervised Graph Co-Training for Session-based Recommendation

[TOC] > [Xia X., Yin H., Yu J., Shao Y. and Cui L. Self-supervised graph co-training for session-based recommendation. CIKM, 2021.]( ......

EmbodiedGPT: Vision-Language Pre-Training via Embodied Chain of Thought

Abstract: 具身人工智能(Embodied AI)让机器人有规划、执行动作序列的能力,以在物理环境中完成长期任务。本文提出EmbodiedGPT,它是一个端到端的多模态基础模型,赋予具身代理多模态理解和执行能力。本文的贡献主要有三点: 制作了一个大规模的具身规划数据集EgoCOT。该数据集包 ......

Uncovering the Representation of Spiking Neural Networks Trained with Surrogate Gradient

郑重声明:原文参见标题,如有侵权,请联系作者,将会撤销发布! Published in Transactions on Machine Learning Research (04/2023) ......


``` if not os.path.exists(PATH + 'x_train.npy'): x_train = np.memmap(PATH + 'x_train.npy', dtype=cfg['data_type'], mode='w+', shape=( self.time_length ......
x_train train flush

Sep 2022-Prioritized Training on Points that are Learnable, Worth Learning, and Not Yet Learnt

提出了Reducible Holdout Loss Selection (RHOLOSS),一种简单但有原则的技术,近似地选择那些最能减少模型泛化损失的点进行训练 ......

论文阅读笔记《Training Socially Engaging Robots Modeling Backchannel Behaviors with Batch Reinforcement Learning》

Training Socially Engaging Robots Modeling Backchannel Behaviors with Batch Reinforcement Learning 训练社交机器人:使用批量强化学习对反馈信号行为进行建模 发表于TAC 2022。 Hussain N, ......

Twitter延迟转化论文《Addressing Delayed Feedback for Continuous Training with Neural Networks in CTR prediction》阅读

背景 由于用户的兴趣是实时变化的,现代推荐、广告系统采用了流式更新的方式来捕捉用户实时兴趣的变化。实时训练的方式面临的一个难题就是正样本的回传是有延迟的,一个实时发送的负样本其实是无法确认是否是真的负样本的。也就是说实时观测到的数据流是一个有偏数据流,并不是真实的数据。如果模型在这个有偏分布上学习, ......


目录前言tf.train.BytesList等tf.train.Featuretf.train.Featurestf.train.Example前言最近在看到一个代码时,里面用到了tf.train.Example,于是学习了其用法,这里记录一下,也希望能对其他朋友有用。另外,本文涉及的代码基于pyt ......
Example train tf

论文解读《Interpolated Adversarial Training: Achieving robust neural networks without sacrificing too much accuracy》

论文信息 论文标题:Interpolated Adversarial Training: Achieving robust neural networks without sacrificing too much accuracy论文作者:Alex LambVikas VermaKenji Kawa ......

迁移学习(VMT)《Virtual Mixup Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation》

论文信息 论文标题:Virtual Mixup Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation论文作者:Takeru Miyato, S. Maeda, Masanori Koyama, S. Ishii论文来源:2019 CVPR论文地址:download  ......

AtCoder Regular Contest 123 E Training

洛谷传送门 AtCoder 传送门 不妨假设 $B_X \le B_Y$。设 $f(x) = A_X + \frac{x}{B_X}, g(x) = A_Y + \frac{x}{B_Y}, F(x) = \left\lfloor{f(x)}\right\rfloor, G(x) = \left\l ......
Training AtCoder Regular Contest 123

Cluster-GCN An Efficient Algorithm for Training Deep Convolution Networks

Chiang W., Liu X., Si S., Li Y., Bengio S. and Hsieh C. Cluster-GCN: An efficient algorithm for training deep and large graph convolutional networks. ......

Vicuna-13B, an open-source chatbot trained by fine-tuning LLaMA

一、项目背景 We introduce Vicuna-13B, an open-source chatbot trained by fine-tuning LLaMA on user-shared conversations collected from ShareGPT. Preliminary ......

论文解读(VAT)《Virtual Adversarial Training: A Regularization Method for Supervised and Semi-Supervised Learning》

论文信息 论文标题:Virtual Adversarial Training: A Regularization Method for Supervised and Semi-Supervised Learning论文作者:Takeru Miyato, S. Maeda, Masanori Koya ......

论文解读《Do We Need Zero Training Loss After Achieving Zero Training Error?》

论文信息 论文标题:Do We Need Zero Training Loss After Achieving Zero Training Error?论文作者:Takashi Ishida, I. Yamane, Tomoya Sakai, Gang Niu, M. Sugiyama论文来源:20 ......
Training Zero Achieving 论文 After

猛读论文13 |【CVPR 2022 UDA】Unleashing Potential of Unsupervised Pre-Training with Intra-Identity Regularization for Person Re-Identification

动机 解决(1)对比学习管道中的增强通常会扭曲人物图像中的判别线索(2)细粒度的局部特征人物图像尚未得到充分探索。 思路 方法 ......

迁移学习(PAT)《Pairwise Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Class-imbalanced Domain Adaptation》

论文信息 论文标题:Pairwise Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Class-imbalanced Domain Adaptation论文作者:Weili Shi, Ronghang Zhu, Sheng Li论文来源:KDD 2022论文地址:dow ......

Layer-Dependent Importance Sampling for Training Deep and Large Graph Convolutional Networks

Zou D., Hu Z., Wang Y., Jiang S., Sun Y. and Gu Q. Layer-dependent importance sampling for training deep and large graph convolutional networks. NIPS, ......

Train the Tesseract OCR engine[how to do]

Training the Tesseract OCR engine is a complex and time-consuming process that involves several steps. Here is an overview of the process: Prepare you ......
Tesseract engine Train OCR the


lstm的train代码 def train_lstm(net,lr,train_loader,total_epoch): global_step = 1 optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=lr) scheduler = lr_sch ......
ziyi-lstm-train 代码 train ziyi lstm

BUPT 2023 Spring Training #9

原题:2021“MINIEYE杯”中国大学生算法设计超级联赛(1) 卡在两道题上,然后就没有然后了 A 对于 $i \in [0,\lceil\frac n2\rceil-1] \cap {\mathbb Z}$,取模时一定可以取到($n \equiv i({\rm mod}\ n-i)$) 对于 ......
Training Spring BUPT 2023

GPT模型: Generative Pre-training 生成式无监督预训练

GPT,GPT-2,GPT-3 论文精读【论文精读】_哔哩哔哩_bilibili ELMo:将上下文当作特征,但是无监督的语料和我们真实的语料还是有区别的,不一定符合我们特定的任务,是一种双向的特征提取。 OpenAI GPT: 通过transformer decoder学习出来一个语言模型,不是固 ......
Pre-training Generative training 模型 GPT

Stochastic Training of Graph Convolutional Networks with Variance Reduction

Chen J., Zhu J. and Song L. Stochastic training of graph convolutional networks with variance reduction. ICML, 2018. 概 我们都知道, GCN 虽然形式简单, 但是对于结点个数非常多的 ......

Generative Pre-trained Transformer(GPT)模型技术初探

一、Transformer模型 2017年,Google在论文 Attention is All you need 中提出了 Transformer 模型,其使用 Self-Attention 结构取代了在 NLP 任务中常用的 RNN 网络结构。相比 RNN 网络结构,其最大的优点是可以并行计算。 ......

HNU2019 Summer Training 3 E. Blurred Pictures

E. Blurred Pictures time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Damon loves to take ......
Pictures Training Blurred Summer 2019

论文解读( FGSM)《Adversarial training methods for semi-supervised text classification》

论文信息 论文标题:Adversarial training methods for semi-supervised text classification论文作者:Taekyung Kim论文来源:ICLR 2017论文地址:download 论文代码:download视屏讲解:click 1 背 ......

【IOI2017】Toy Train(博弈)

题目链接: 分析 “一个点的出边一旦确定就不能改变”这个条件不好处理。通过网上一些题解的分析,可以把问题修改成: 结点的主人每次可以指定任意一条出边(即使之前已经指定了另外一条)。 A 胜利条件:存在一种策略,无论 B 怎么操作,总能使火车无限次经 ......
Train 2017 IOI Toy

迁移学习《Asymmetric Tri-training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation》

论文信息 论文标题:Asymmetric Tri-training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation论文作者:Kuniaki Saito, Y. Ushiku, T. Harada论文来源:27 February 2017——ICML论文地址:download 论 ......